Sunday, 31 March 2013


earn see & Danny Yong , nice to meet u guys, u guys are lovely & of course very funny la...

Saturday, 30 March 2013


美妹:"读成福建。。eng eng Bo Dai Zhi 咯姐"
我:" = ="" ... 给她炸到"


Home based rojak- 家里rojak生意

严重介绍,猪芭培民旁边家里rojak cafe不错吃。。

Friday, 29 March 2013

死火〜my car engine died

Happy Good Friday people... What u guys doing? eating ice-cream in this hot hot weather? makan ais cendol? in the cinema? or stay at home, enjoy your coolest air-con? darn... im enjoying my sun bath at d road side, wtf my car 死火。。lolzzz means my car engine is died, shit please call ms sun burn or ms 死火Unforgettable Good Friday for me。。thanks god .. Amen

Thursday, 28 March 2013


After ktv, what are those 4 jobless people?
Goyang palak? Goyang kaki? Goyang badan? No👋no👋no👋...
They are playing badminton .. Healthy Leh... Hiak hiak hiak.... What are u guys doing?join us la...

Jobless Kawan's activities

Every month, every week, everyday, every hour, every minute & every sec - what can the jobless person do???
This 4 jobless people named ah 瘦(skinny) ah 肥(fatty) ah sot(sexy) & ah put(strong fat men) - they got an idea to kill their time.. Today they rock d world ~~ bla la bla la bla la..
Good day everyone

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

New building in Miri Sarawak

Well... This is our brand new shopping mall which selling branded stuffs(I heard from someone)
I wonder how to build this building on top of tree? ( Malaysia-Kia ever ask that stupid question, refer back to my 1st post) lolzz..

wealth, nice& beautiful about Miri Sarawak~Malaysia-Kia MUST SEE!!!!

Wealth, nice & beautiful about MIRI Sawarak~~ Malaysia-Kia MUST see!!

First of all, i am not a tour guard or whatever, i just wanted to show someone that with empty knowledge about Miri, Sarawak.  I am proudly to be the one of miri's anak..because Miri possess of beautiful places, big houses, of course most importantly which are the people here with kind hearted, lovely .

Let me started to introduce some of the houses here;

for us, we don't choose for condominium or apartment;

secondly, those are the shopping malls in Miri, fews more opening soon

 Miri beaches:

 Tanjung Lubang
 Tanjung Lubang
 Tanjung Lubang
Tanjung Lubang

 Tanjung Lubang: wayside pavilion where you can do your summer BBQ here

Tanjung Lubang: where a lots of fishmen or couple hangout there

Tanjung Lubang: side walk restaurant

Miri's Park:

Taman Awam

Night view of Taman Awam

 Miri City Fan park

 Miri City Fan park

 Miri City Fan park

 Miri City Fan park

 Miri City Fan park: During Christmas season 

 Miri City Fan park

 Miri City Fan park

Miri Hotels:

J.W Marriot

Eastwood Valley Golf & Country club

MORE & MORE COMING UP SOON....wait patiently
if u are interested on your vacation in Miri, please contact me as per below;
Name: whatever
hp no: @#$%&*#@*888..

thanks for cooperation
Have a NICE~~y day